Shelby Bradford (21) is a seasoned HighBall volunteer. She originally began volunteering because of her affiliation with The Ohio State University Arts Scholars program, but now she also enjoys the event socially with her friends. This year they plan to take a trip back to the 90's by dressing up like The Spice Girls.
Aside from the costumes, she mentioned the fashion couture show, the music, and performances as being the best components of the experience, and has "gained a better knowledge of what the Short North has to offer" through participating in HighBall.

New to volunteering is Market District cashier, Phaedra Scherl (17). She very much "look[s] forward to gaining inspiration from the costumes that will be there on the runway," and is hoping to be able to come up with a more creative costume for next year. Phaedra has to earn service hours in order to obtain an honor chord for her school, but she wanted her hours to be put towards something that is fun and unique. HighBall is definitely the only place that she will be able to volunteer while wearing "a vinyl catsuit outfit with black knee high boots... with cat eye makeup and black kitty ears."

Rick Flowers (27) will also be volunteering in costume, who plans on dressing as a Hobbit or as Rodger and Jessica rabbit with a friend. His favorite elements of last year's HighBall were the costumes, friendliness of everyone involved, and the general energy created by the event. Last year he enjoyed his time "taking a few photos, making some new friends, and seeing old friends."
Mike Wallace, wedding photographer, also loves volunteering at HighBall. In years past he has been "absolutely blown away by the vibrancy, energy, and fun atmosphere of the people who came to participate in HighBall."
Extraordinary energy and excitement has been a staple of HighBall Halloween since its inception in 2008. Concurrent with our exciting 5th anniversary of the event is SNA's exciting partnership with the Hilton Columbus Downtown. Go ahead, click on the link and hear about their incredible HighBall package! Further, with over 10,000 parking spaces available, everyone is a VIP this year at HighBall! With convenient parking and a warm place to spend the night, what reason is there to stay home?!
No matter who you are or what you do, HighBall Halloween has something truly unique to offer, and volunteering is one of the best ways to get behind the scenes and see how the event comes together.
New to volunteering is Market District cashier, Phaedra Scherl (17). She very much "look[s] forward to gaining inspiration from the costumes that will be there on the runway," and is hoping to be able to come up with a more creative costume for next year. Phaedra has to earn service hours in order to obtain an honor chord for her school, but she wanted her hours to be put towards something that is fun and unique. HighBall is definitely the only place that she will be able to volunteer while wearing "a vinyl catsuit outfit with black knee high boots... with cat eye makeup and black kitty ears."
Rick Flowers (27) will also be volunteering in costume, who plans on dressing as a Hobbit or as Rodger and Jessica rabbit with a friend. His favorite elements of last year's HighBall were the costumes, friendliness of everyone involved, and the general energy created by the event. Last year he enjoyed his time "taking a few photos, making some new friends, and seeing old friends."
Mike Wallace, wedding photographer, also loves volunteering at HighBall. In years past he has been "absolutely blown away by the vibrancy, energy, and fun atmosphere of the people who came to participate in HighBall."
Extraordinary energy and excitement has been a staple of HighBall Halloween since its inception in 2008. Concurrent with our exciting 5th anniversary of the event is SNA's exciting partnership with the Hilton Columbus Downtown. Go ahead, click on the link and hear about their incredible HighBall package! Further, with over 10,000 parking spaces available, everyone is a VIP this year at HighBall! With convenient parking and a warm place to spend the night, what reason is there to stay home?!
No matter who you are or what you do, HighBall Halloween has something truly unique to offer, and volunteering is one of the best ways to get behind the scenes and see how the event comes together.